Parkinson Disease

Innovation treatment with RANC method
Eliminates 90% of symptoms (tremor, constraint)

"A great theoretic mistake is made - Parkinson disease is not neuro-degenerative (death of brain cells producing dopamine), that's why the existing treatment methods do not heal"
A great theoretic mistake
A great theoretic mistake is made in explanation of the causes of this disease. It is based on the fact that the main emphasis is made on the lack of dopamine in connection with neuro-degenerative processes in the brain structures responsible for its production. One cannot agree with this, since the drugs aimed at the increase of content of own dopamine (amantadine) or directly L-dopa have no effect in every third patient, or have just a negative effect (side effects)
I expressly do not speak about other anti-Parkinson drugs because their effect is not fundamentally different from the above. If the theory adopted regarding the Parkinson disease based on the lack of dopamine, would be true, thus we should have moved freely without feeling tremor after L-dopa administration.

This does not happen. What a conclusion should be made?
A conclusion is simple – the thing is not depth of substantia nigra neurons which produce dopamine. Consider diabetics for example. Diabetes causes death of cells producing insulin in the pancreatic gland (Langerhans islets), and cause negative processes in the body leading to fatal consequences. So what? By receiving a necessary insulin dose under the belly skin, a person lives normal and full life. This doesn't happen in case of Parkinson disease, we administer dopamine, and it has no effect. Why?

The answer is simple – the thing is not dopamine, but what?
Under stress, any nerve centers can change their activity, which can be restored by RANC method – stimulation of reticular formation through accessory nerves. Against the background of any external effect (stress or intoxication) many brain centers, including those responsible for dopamine production, change their activity (in our case reduce), which is manifested by the respective symptoms of its insufficiency.
Very often, stimulation of reticular formation through accessory nerves (even one-time) leads to quick suppression of Parkinson symptoms, brain structures producing dopamine more often do not have irreversible organic disorders, and are just in the state of parabiosis. This state is characterized by the fact that cells reduce their activity so that to maintain their vital functions, but all of their excretory functions are stopped. In other words, most often, stress does not kills brain cells but stops their active functioning. This is a generic reaction of the brain to any excessive external stimuli.

Restoration of brain centers
It is enough to inject any painful drug to all painful sections of trapezius muscles. These painful sections correspond to the brain sections with functioning disorders. Short-term pain from this procedure launches a process in the brain that can be compared with scanning and cleaning up files on the PC. Pain pulses, coming to the brain stem through accessory nerves, switch to the nuclei of reticular formation, which in turn starts integrating and tuning functioning of various regulatory systems, including systems responsible for dopamine production.

Parkinson disease is not a neuro-degenerative disease in 95% of cases. This is a functional CNS disorder. It cannot be cured by the methods that we have used so far, but this condition can be completely cured by the Russian RANC method. We are dealing with a real neuro-degeneration only in 5 cases, when the dopamine producing structures die, but L-dopa drugs should have effect exactly in these cases. Such catastrophic consequences can be avoided using the RANC method.
Strong stress and anxieties – the onset of the disease
The lack of dopamine production against the background of stress is much more common effect than it is commonly believed. Strong one-time stress associated with the death of a spouse, a child, a career crash, an earthquake where you miraculously survived, a car accident, or another similar shock (by examples of my patients with Parkinson disease), or a lot of "minor" anxieties for a series of years, may cause an avalanche-like destruction process in the brain, of both dopamine producing and dopamine consuming structures.
People afraid of condemnation by others, and thus performing their duties too responsibly, even fanatically, have a much greater chance of having Parkinson disease. However, this fanaticism leads to nothing than accumulation of numerous functional disorders in the brain, which in turn lead to Parkinsonism.

And since the brain is a quite complicated structure, the combination of disorder symptoms in these structures is always different and resembles a kaleidoscope. That is why there is a saying that "Every patient has its own Parkinsonism".
Anyone already diagnosed with Parkinson disease, or syndrome, knows that paradoxically he has hours or days when he feels almost healthy, normally moves and does not tremble inside or in outward appearance. This usually happens against a background of positive emotions (which stimulate the dopamine release and contribute to normalization of brain functions). Also, many people without such a diagnosis will not refute my words that, for example, they experience constraint and even emphasized tremor noticeable to others in a stressful situation.

Obvious symptoms of a lack of dopamine begin to appear when brain disorders (against the background of stress factors) reach some critical values, and the compensatory reserves are exhausted. They are not manifested by common light constraint in the form of "fatigue", but a constraint that is strongly expressed, which reaches the extreme degrees characteristic of the Parkinson disease and syndrome.

By the way, one day I had such a tremor
when I was detained by the traffic police for the alleged violation of traffic rules – I was surprised. I just could not hand my driving license to the lieutenant, because I could not take them out of my wallet for that reason – my hands were shaking so badly. But the lieutenant was more familiar with psychology and physiology, so after looking at me attentively and sniffing, he said "do not worry so, I will not arrest you and I will not deprive you of your driving license," and my tremor instantly disappeared.

If someone doesn't know – tremor reduces after drinking alcohol. I do not stand for alcoholism, but just explain relationship of tremor, negative emotions, brain disorders and taking medications that depress brain activity.

It has long been known, that, for example, when a person forgetting all routine problems, just comes to a sanatorium and walks, drinks mineral water and admires the surroundings, he begins to recover from various diseases without any treatment.
The RANC method has a depressant effect on the overexcited brain regions. It would seem to be bad, but if we consider that brain regions that remained overexcited (after some great shock) for almost forever, depress the subordinate regions that cease to control their functions, the method no longer seems to be "bad." If we use this notorious method of to "depress the depressors", then the "depressed" will cheer up and gain their former activity.
Results and proven efficiency
Parkinson disease is treated in 10-20 sessions by the RANC method. The recovery process takes 6-15 months (with 4-week interval between sessions; it depends on the number of functional disorders). We recommend taking a person with you who could continue doing procedures in your city, throughout the course.
Regeneration of nerve centers
Any brain cells (in our case dopamine producing) are able to pass to a parabiosis state before finally perishing. "Parabiosis" is a state when a cell has very low vital activity and spends all the energy on maintaining it, and does not have the resources for its other functions. Some of these few cells gradually die off. This is the cause of recrudescence. The brain continuously fights with chaos caused by external effects, and we have the opportunity of braking the destruction process. The effect on RETICULAR FORMATION through painful stimulation of the trapezius muscles with injections of any painful drug causes cessation of the avalanche-like increase in the number of disorders in the nerve centers, due to stimulation of structures that have lost normal activity

Why this muscle? The point is that unlike most muscles of the body (with the exception of oculomotor, masticatory and facial muscles), trapezius muscles are controlled by nerve cells in the so-called brain stem. The brain stem is its central part, continued by the big hemispheres, which we imagine when we hear the word "brain". The stem contains vital centers that control pressure, palpitation, temperature and breathing, as well as cells that produce dopamine. The lack of dopamine leads to disruption of movements and psyche that are characteristic of the Parkinson disease. A stimulus to launch a process leading to increased disorders in the dopamine producing system usually involves some severe stresses.

But, going back to the question of the trapezius muscle, I want to continue that in addition to the cerebral nerve cells in the brain stem, a system of the brain called the reticular formation starts, which has been little studied so far. Starting in the stem, it penetrates into all brain regions and braids it like a web ("reticulum" in Latin means the web). It's something like the Internet. Different brain regions coordinate their work through this web. I noticed a regularity, that is mentioned nowhere, but checking my hypothesis for more than 10 years, I established myself that my assumptions are right. I believe that due to close functional and anatomical relation to the trapezius muscle, the RETICULAR FORMATION outputs information about all kinds of the brain disorders on the trapezius muscle (between the shoulder blades) in the form of its painful spasming areas. If a short severe pain is introduced to these areas by injecting some painful drug there, this strong electrical impulse, through the accessory nerve and the reticular formation, will go exactly in those brain regions that caused the appearance of these painful areas on the trapezius muscle. This nonspecific brain stimulation leads to the activation of various brain regions. As a result of this effect, a process that lasts about 3 weeks begins in the brain. The brain changes relationship between its different systems, and it's like reprogramming, or scanning and cleaning up corrupted files on the computer.
Any brain has a lot of hidden and obvious damages in operation of its programs, which we accumulate throughout life. Based on my practical experience, I believe that in this way we can stop further development of many diseases that are considered virtually incurable with drugs.

Andrey Alexandrovich Ponomarenko
Neurologist, discoverer of RANC
""In childhood, I badly fell down from the springboard to the tailbone. For more than 15 years, I constantly experienced severe headache and lumbar pain. My hopeless condition and no results of classical methods forced me to look for ways to save my life..."

More about the doctor and the discovery of the method
Why is everything so simple? Do not you deceive us?
When people hear of RANC, they have a natural distrust based on experience. One can hardly take it in that everything that we were taught is, of course, not a lie, but a kind of incomplete knowledge. It seems to us that contracting a disease is terrible but natural, but you can recover only after a complex, long and expensive treatment. This is the reason why people do not believe even what they see with their own eyes. You can help the brain at any stage of its destruction and there is no direct connection between the disease duration and the quickness of recovery. You should not also run into euphoria, hoping to recover instantly. It should be understood that the brain is rather complicated structure, and even in case of diseases not associated with perishing of its cells, sometimes the recovery does not occur immediately after the first-second session, as for example in case of trigeminal nerve damage, not speaking about such diseases, when the brain suffers the death of its cells, as in the Parkinson disease. However, no one currently knows exactly which dopamine producing cells are no longer subject to recovery, and which just start their way of degenerative changes. In any case, the RANC procedure will benefit and, at least stop further brain destruction progression

That's why I never tell a patient that he will surely be healed, because, as I said above, we can not know the true state of affairs in the brain. But after all, what I do is not an attempt to replace the loss of own dopamine due to the death of cells with artificial dopamine, but to stimulate it to prevent the death of cells that still live but do not function and are already on their way to death. On the other hand, there are often such striking examples of improvement that you cannot believe your own eyes. This is probably due to the fact that the bulk of the dopamine system cells in these patients were simply in depressed parabiotic state, and not in the state of necrosis (death), so they simply got involved in functioning after stimulation. But I want to repeat that because these brain structures are rather delicate, we can not determine the brain condition of each individual person by modern diagnostic means.

That way of treatment we were taught, is just not the most effective, although it is considered to be the only proper one. This is normal when something changes, and medicine also does not stand still, so do not be surprised that there are new opportunities besides traditional substitution therapy.

Mechanism of action of the RANC method
The method of treatment is not medicamental, but refers to reflexotherapy. That is, the principle underlying it is the effect of short-term pain impulses on functioning of the nervous system.
n our body, we have a so-called trapezius muscle, which is attached to the back of the head, neck, shoulder joints, shoulder blades and thoracic spine. A nerve, which controls this muscle, is anatomically and functionally part of the nervous system (the Reticular Formation), which controls functioning of all brain regions. If any of the regions, as a result of external influences, begins to work in a mode other than normal, this is manifested by local tension of the individual areas of the trapezius muscle. These tense and painful (by palpation) areas correspond to the brain regions that have functional disorders.

We cause local electrochemical reactions introducing a short-term (1-2 minutes) painful irritation to these areas of the muscle by injecting one milliliter of water for injections, or another painful intramuscular solution. Entering the brain, impulses "engage" a process similar to the process of the computer "rebooting". This process continues for 6 weeks and leads to restoration of normal activity of nerve centers.

In terms of the processes taking place in the nervous system, I decided to call this method of treating various diseases "The Restoration of the Activity of Nerve Centers" (RANC). Outwardly, this procedure resembles a paravertebral blockade. Actually, it all started with paravertebral blockades. When I studied the physiological mechanism underlying the principle of their action in 1998, I suggested that the observed effects are provided not by the injection composition, but by the short-term pain effect from its introduction. Therefore, the compositions most suitable for the task set were selected. Thus, this method of treatment is a kind of a modified paravertebral blockade. I had to name it separately to denote its mechanism of action and scope of application.
The brain controls all organs and processe
Against the backdrop of some external effect (stress or intoxication), many brain centers, including those responsible for dopamine production, change their activity (in our case they reduce dopamine production), which is manifested by the corresponding symptoms of its insufficiency.

The brain controls all the functions, organs and systems of our body. Any external effect that exceeds compensatory capabilities of the central nervous system leads to stable disturbances in its functioning, manifested as symptoms of various diseases. The brain controls everything and itself. Stress leaves "traces" in it in the form of a stable change in the activity of nerve centers that control various organs and systems. For example, if the brain regions that control the heart, lungs, or kidneys are not functioning properly, these organs will experience problems. Their severity depends on disorders of central regulation. And if the brain is returned to its previous, normal, operational condition, the corresponding symptoms will disappear. In other words, the cause of various diseases is a "program failure" in the brain functioning. By eliminating it we eliminate the cause of the disease and the corresponding symptoms.
This is the brief summary of my method.

Comfortable treatment conditions
The clinic is located in the center of Krasnodar. We welcome guests from all over the world and Russia. We can help with accommodation and meet at the railway station if necessary. Advance registration for consultation and treatment is required.
RANC news
Register for treatment:

+7 (900) 246-83-26
Nevrologica Clinic
Kozhevennaya St., 62, Krasnodar
10.00 - 18.00 (Tue-Sat)
Want to learn more about RANC and the secrets of the method?
"The Russian RANC Method" book
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